Eternal Harvest

15 September 2024

Hand with Seed in Harvest Field


“Remember this - a farmer who plants only a few seeds will get a small crop. But the one who plants generously will get a generous crop. You must each decide in your heart how much to give. And don't give reluctantly or in response to pressure. "For God loves a person who gives cheerfully." And God will generously provide all you need. Then you will always have everything you need and plenty left over to share with others.”  (2 Corinthians 9:6-8, NLT)


Let’s think of what a seed is: it's small and it is visually insignificant, but holds within it the potential for abundant life.  This verse showcases a clear parallel between the act of giving and the life cycle of a seed.  It invites you and me to see our resources - our time, our money and our efforts - as seeds sourced directly from God, ready to be sown into the fertile soil of His Kingdom.


The origin of a seed is crucial.  Just as a seed comes from its parent plant, our resources come from God.  Everything we possess - our time, our talents, our finances - are gifts from Him.  We are simply stewards of these resources.  When we give, we are not parting with something that is truly ours, but rather we are planting a part of what God has entrusted to us.  Just as a farmer must first go to the seller to obtain seed, we must spend time in the word, meditating on God's faithfulness, love, and giving heart.  We receive our seeds directly and only from God, and then we sow them into the ground.  This act of giving is a powerful testament to our recognition of God's provision and our trust in His abundance.


But let's dive deeper and consider the transformative nature of a seed.  A seed, in its raw form, has a perishable value.  Yet, when it is planted and dies, it transforms into something far greater.  It produces fruit, multiplying its initial value many times over.  Similarly, when we give our resources, they may seem limited.  However, in the hands of God, they are transformed into eternal treasures.  Our giving transcends earthly value and receives eternal significance.


Now, this transformation requires a crucial step: the seed must die.  In order for my resources to bear eternal fruit, they must first die to me.  This means that I need to completely release my hold on the resource, surrendering my time or my possession willingly and joyfully.  It’s not a reluctant or pressured act, but a deliberate decision made in the heart.  It is an act of faith, trusting that God will bring forth an abundant harvest from what I have sown.


You see, through this sacrificial act of giving, we all find a fragrant aroma pleasing to God.  Our ultimate goal is to please Him, knowing that His pleasure far outweighs any temporary satisfaction we might get from holding onto our resources.  When we give, we are participating in the holy things of God’s Kingdom.  Our perishable offerings are transformed into imperishable rewards.  We become channels of God's grace, allowing His blessings to flow through us and into the lives of others.


Let us plant our seeds with joy and generosity, knowing that in God's hands, they will flourish and bear fruit that lasts forever.

Photo of Melissa Cremer Tayssoun

Melissa Cremer Tayssoun
Assistant to the Pastor
GoChurch Beirut