Trust & Legal

GoChurch is the operating name of GoChurch Global LTD.

GoChurch Global LDT is a company limited by guarantee (Reg 06845131) and a registered charity (Reg 1129711). This Charitable Company was formed in March 2009 under the name World Harvest Bible Church (WHBC). WHBC became active on 1st January 2010 when the activities, assets and liabilities of a previous charity of the same name (formed by a deed of covenant) were transferred to it. On 28th March 2018 WHBC changed its name to GoChurch Global Ltd.

GoChurch exists to:

The governing body of GoChurch are the Trustees who are legally responsible for the governance and management of the Trust, working in close consultation with the Pastors and Core Leadership Team of GoChurch.

The Trustees comprise:

The Trustees are responsible for the financial affairs, legal management and policies of the Charity. The Pastors and Core Leadership Team are responsible for the spiritual direction and strategy of the Charity.

Authority to conduct the day-to-day operations of GoChurch is delegated by the Trustees to the Pastors and Core Leadership Team.

The Charity’s Summary Information, Return of Aims, Activities and Achievements is available via the Charity Commission website. The Annual Report and Accounts are also available on-line via the Charity Commission website.

The Charity's Auditors are:

Baldwin Scofield & Co
Chartered Accountants
Unit 3 Newhouse Business Centre
Old Crawley Road
West Sussex
RH12 4SA

The Charity's Solicitors are:

Geldards LLP
Number One Pride Place
Pride Park
DE24 8QR