How do you introduce yourself when you meet new people for the first time? What strategy do you have for helping yourself look good and making a great impression? After all, first impressions usually count so much. It can be hard to shift that initial image that people have of us.
This week, we are reading the last chapter of Acts and get into Romans. Whether it is Luke writing about Paul or Paul writing about his theology, everything seems to be about first impressions in these passages:
- The Bad Intro - Paul is shipwrecked on an island and a snake attacks out of the blue. As a first impression, it could not be much worse. To everyone watching it is a sign of judgement. A really bad introduction: he must be a bad man, a sinner to have escaped the sea only to get killed by a snake.To Paul it is an excellent introduction, an opportunity to witness to his Heavenly Father’s goodness. The reality is that Paul has just saved everyone through his faith and he uses the opportunity to introduce all those people to the God who actually saved them. (Acts 28:1-16)
- The Infamous Intro - Paul in Rome under house arrest with Roman guards, a criminal awaiting trial and execution. The snake attack was bad but here Paul is infamous, a celebrity for all the wrong reasons. Yet Paul somehow uses the opportunity to introduce himself to the Jewish religious leaders. His chains are no barrier! His celebrity status is a vehicle for him to introduce these people to Jesus. After all, Paul has been waiting to come to Rome for a while. (Romans 28:17-30)
- The Perfect Intro – Paul’s desire to come to Rome is well documented, expressed in a letter written to the church at Rome, the book of Romans.This is the kind of introduction we would want to write about ourselves. This is how you create a good impression. An introduction to his type of leadership - an Apostle - and style of ministry - grace. Nothing is better than writing to introduce ourselves. Unfortunately, the circumstances around his actual arrival didn’t match Paul’s original plan. (Romans 1:1-7)
- The Challenging Intro - Paul comes out swinging! A no holds barred intro to his gospel that challenges the church in Rome’s attitudes. Favouritism? Judgement? Circumcision? The only impression or circumcision that matters is that of the heart, by the Spirit. That is the kind of intro God likes.This is no gentle intro.Whatever good impression Paul started with it has been replaced with reality. (Romans 2:1,11,25 and 29)
- The Righteousness Intro – Paul introduces the righteousness that comes from God. Totally doing away with the religious righteousness that Rome has heard about until now. This intro is not based on boasts and achievements. It is not even based on background. Every one of us has failed and needs a totally new introduction to a life of faith, to the person of Jesus. (Romans 3:9, 21, 25)
- The Faith Intro – Just in case we didn’t understand this new way of thinking and believing, Paul introduces a whole new way to look at the past.Abraham, the father of faith and the beginning of the Jewish community, lived by faith not law. His way of life was not just about obedience, but actually faith in God’s promises.He believed God and it was credited to him as righteousness. He hoped when there was no hope and believed, and was introduced to God’s righteousness. (Romans 4:3, 16, 18)
- The Peace Intro – One person, Adam, introduced us to death and each of us has done the same intro to others ever since. Paul resets the God intro. One person, Jesus, has introduced life and peace with God the Father as a result. This is an invitation we can pass on to everyone we meet, an introduction into God’s household. This is a permanent open invitation where first impressions matter most. Either we know Jesus and we are accepted, or we don’t and we are rejected … permanently!!!
Let’s prepare our introductions, whether to peace, faith, Christ, hope… so we create and leave a good impression everywhere we go.