His Name is Wonderful

08 December 2024

Golden Crown and Sceptre on Red Material

John’s vision in the first chapter of Revelation provides us with an awe-inspiring image of Christ’s divine majesty. The Revelation emphasises Christ’s authority, power and holiness. Recognising Christ's excellence demands not only our reverence but also our worship. The prophet Isaiah declared His name is "Wonderful" (Isaiah 9:6). Take time to reflect on Christ's majesty and how it transforms our identity as believers.

In Revelation 1:12-16, John describes the vision of Christ in His glory. His eyes blaze like fire, His voice resounds like rushing waters and His face shines brighter than the sun. These vivid symbols reveal Christ’s majesty and His unparalleled authority and power. He is without rival and without equal. This image of Christ should shape how we see Him - and how we see ourselves in Him. Ephesians 2:6 tells us that we are seated with Christ in heavenly places, sharing His victory and authority. We are not passive spectators, but active participants in His glorious Kingdom.

Tony Cooke’s new book, Magnificent Jesus, beautifully captures this aspect of Christ’s supremacy. He reminds us that Jesus is not only our Redeemer but also the ultimate ruler overall. Cooke’s reflections guide us to see the fullness of who Jesus is and inspire a greater sense of awe toward His divine nature, reminding us that this same Christ has empowered His body - the Church - on earth.

Isaiah declares that His name shall be called “Wonderful.” This description, revealed in John’s Revelation, reminds us that our worship should be filled with reverence for the wonder of Christ. His excellence demands a response of devotion and obedience. As we meditate on His magnificence, we must also remember that we are His body (1 Corinthians 12:27), with His Spirit living in us (1 John 4:4). The authority Christ demonstrated is not distant; He has given it to us as His representatives on earth.

Christ’s name is Wonderful. How will you respond to His majesty today? As you reflect on this vision of Christ’s glory, remember that you are seated with Him, empowered by His Spirit and called to exercise His authority in your life. If you have not read it, I highly recommend diving into Tony Cooke’s Magnificent Jesus and basking in the beauty and primacy of Christ.

The vision in Revelation directs us to Christ’s unparalleled glory and supremacy. His name is truly Wonderful. As you meditate on Christ's splendour, consider how His identity shapes your own. You are seated with Him in authority - how will you walk in this reality today?

Photo of Matt Hattabaugh

Matt Hattabaugh
Lead Pastor
GoChurch Beirut