Paul’s Conversations: four chapters in Acts

14 July 2024

Speach Bubbles with Hi in one of them

“When they heard this, they were baptised in the name of the Lord Jesus.”  (Acts 19:5 NKJV)


Ephesus (Acts 19)


Whilst in conversation with some believers downtown, Paul asked a very important question: Did you receive the Holy Spirit when you believed?  And what was the reply?


“We have not so much have heard whether there is a Holy Spirit.”


Paul then took the conversation to another level and after their brief exchange, their lives changed forever!


“And when Paul had laid hands on them, the Holy Spirit came upon them, and they spoke with tongues and prophesied Acts 19:6 NKJV.”


This account challenged me to think about my everyday conversations.


Now, I know you are no Paul, neither are you in Ephesus and nor are you living in 80-90 AD, but whether you are in Lebanon or Lisbon, Salford or Santiago, our God the Father is still working out His purpose in the earth today.  And you are still His tool for that project!


Paul was to spend another two years reasoning daily in the school of Tyrannus and as a result, “all who dwelt in Asia heard the word of the Lord Jesus both Jews and Greeks.”  With several miracles and other interesting episodes with some Jewish exorcists, God’s word was advancing, and His purpose was being worked out.


God’s purpose is still being worked out today and you are His tool for that project.


 Troas and Miletus (Acts 20)


Paul continued his journey, giving the word and taking advantage of conversations even until midnight!  In Acts 20:11, he spent time chatting and catching up with some disciples In Troas.  What ensued was the dead were raised, disciples were comforted, and the Lord was magnified.


We don’t have to wait for a massive healing conference.  That late-night catch up at the café, that relaxed banter with your next-door neighbour, or that evening hang-out with your colleague can be the grounds for life changing encounters with Jesus.  Eutychus will certainly never forget that late-night hang-out!  God is faithful.


Jerusalem  (Acts 21-22)


In the midst of an uproar, Paul asked for permission to have a word with the angry mob, and by the end of Acts 22, this conversation led to him giving his testimony in the Hebrew language whilst they all kept silent and listened.


Even though the speech looked like a defence, and even though we cannot say for certain the salvations that followed that speech, it was God’s tool to give the gospel to whoever was nearby in the temple at the time.


God’s purpose is still being worked out today, and we are privileged to be His tool for His project.


Welcome to 2024


Today, whatever language you speak, whatever town you find yourself in, and with whatever privileges you have, take the conversations up to another level, ask the questions, share your testimonies, share your stories…. Miracles, salvation, comfort and healings are still on the table.


God is working out His purpose in the earth and you are His tool.

Elizabeth Ugborioba