Build Downward, Upward, Inward and Outward

06 October 2024

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As I’ve been reading the scriptures that the author Paul wrote, I kept laughing out loud.  I even had to stop myself from spilling my cuppa.  Why, Simone?!  Well, the guy keeps going on about being glad, rejoicing and joyful as if he’s enjoying the sunshine, drinking a cocktail and sitting on a beach somewhere!  It hardly seems possible that Paul is writing from a dark, cold, filthy prison.  His words seem to come from a light heart and it is clearly obvious even though he is bound in chains that his soul is free, living in an atmosphere of joy even from prison!!


I’ve always liked positive people, but this is another level.  A believer who works for Christ even when everything is against him builds others up!!!  Paul’s mind-set reminds me of Jesus!  Paul can function like Jesus because he has the nature of Jesus because he is in Christ Jesus.


Last week we read Paul saying to “work out your salvation” (Phil 2:12).  Christ lives in us so let it spill out (overflow) to others.  Christ is to be our all or nothing!


We are complete in Him!  We aren’t just rooted and established in Him but also built up in Him.  In Manchester this year, we are looking at what it means to be built up and to build others up.  I see four ways we can be built.


Build downwards: being rooted in Jesus (Col 2:7).  It all begins with Him and ends with Him.  A deeper life rooted in eternity, living kingdom life here on earth.  Being rooted and grounded in love, for He is love, that you may be filled with all the fullness of God.  We are to draw our nourishment from Him.


Build upwards: being built up in Him (Col 2:7).  Just like a plant, we can’t grow fully unless we’re in touch with the life-giving soil.  Our lives need to depend on Him and grow to maturity.  We must build upwards, strengthened in Him and established in faith.  The more you grow in the Lord, the steadier you will be in your mind, your temper, your character and like Paul, even when the going gets tough!


Build inwards: as we grow in knowledge of Him.  We can always grow because there’s always something more for us to learn.  As we come to know Christ better, we find that the things of our old lives no longer interest us.  We are now hidden in Christ (Col 3:3) and our life we have as sons and daughters of the Most High is real and sufficient, for we are complete in Him (Col 2:10).


Build outwards: be wise towards unbelievers, make the most of each opportunity! (Col 4:5).  Our outer life is the reflection of Christ to others.  How we are speaks more loudly than what we say.  We are to be Christ to our world.  Christ is living in us.  Our lives are the only Christian books the unsaved read!  They don’t study the Bible, but they do study us!


Like Paul we too can live in joy regardless of the circumstances or situations that we find ourselves in.  Now live in Him for you’re deeply rooted in Him.  You have studied it, now live it, let it spill out, in thanksgiving and praise in everything we do!

Photo of Simone Walker

Simone Walker
Lead Pastor
GoChurch Manchester