Walking in Faith

13 October 2024

Walking in Converse Shoes

We pray for you, that the Lord would cause you to increase and abound in love for one another and for all people, just as we do for you; so that He may establish your hearts without blame in holiness before our God and Father at the coming of our Lord Jesus with all His saints. (1 Thessalonians 3:12-13, NASB)


As Paul wrote the verses in Thessalonians, so much was communicated: his love, his patience and his expectation for the walk of the Christ followers.  He shows that how we walk impacts the direction of our lives.  Paul tells us to “Walk worthy of the God who calls you” (1 Thess 2:12); he tells us that though he sees us walking after the calling and direction of the Lord, that we excel still more (1 Thess 4:1).


Why is the walk so important?  Our walk speaks words that our mouth cannot.  Our head lifted shows our confidence in what we believe; our walk shows that we are fully persuaded to carry out the call that we have been given to carry.  Just as easily as our walk can show our confidence, it can also show the opposite.  Paul says to ‘walk worthy’ and then he provides examples of what unworthy looks like: sexual immorality, lustful passions, defrauding your brother.


As a leader in your arena of life, you are charged with the task of ‘worthy walking’: talking, teaching, leading and loving in a worthy manner; not what the world would call worthy but what our Heavenly Father says is worthy.  Why is worthy so important?  Because there is a soon coming day where Jesus will descend from heaven (1 Thess 4:16) and He will take us, those who are alive in Christ (4:17).  This is something in which we can be confident.


Our walk is important because it will impact those around us that may not know HIM.  If we do not walk in a manner worthy of the calling, then how will we confidently proclaim the love of Jesus to those around us?


I admonish you, acknowledge those who work hard among you. Cheer them on, and I urge you to help those who are weak, and disheartened to lift up their heads and walk with you in a manner worthy of the call (5:12-14)!


Remember – In everything give thanks for this is the will for you in Christ Jesus (1 Thess 5:18).


Photo of Julie Hattabaugh

Julie Hattabaugh
Lead Pastor
GoChurch Beirut