
01 September 2024

Doctors Skeleton

Did you know how intricately linked God sees us?  How much He’s designed us to be so involved in one another’s lives?  In the body of Christ there are no lone wolves. 


“The human body has many parts, but the many parts make up one whole body.  So it is with the body of Christ.”  (1 Cor 12:12, NLT)


This is the simplest expression of being one, and perhaps we overlook too much what this means for our lives.  I don’t go anywhere without my arm.  I don’t hug someone without my back.  I don’t hurt my little toe without my whole body suffering.  (Boy does stubbing your toe hurt!  Your whole body really does feel it!)


“If one part suffers, all the parts suffer with it, and if one part is honoured, all the parts are glad.”  (1 Cor 12:26)


If someone in your serving team with you is honoured - they’re honouring YOU!  If someone on another team gets a promotion at work - you’ve got a reason to celebrate too!  But just like with my stubbed toe - if someone is upset, left out or looked down upon - they’re doing it to you too. 


“In fact, some parts of the body that seem weakest and least important are actually the most necessary.”  (1 Cor 12:22)


So who do you deem less important?


I know we don’t want to answer this because we want to be right and holy.  (Jesus has done that bit for us already, so let’s be honest for a minute.)  But we would rank the pastor as pretty important in a church.  Worship leader too!  So it stands to reason that we probably do have some less important ones as well. 


What if you were tied to them for a day like in a three-legged race?  To walk in their shoes may change your mind.  Let’s make sure we are viewing each person in the church as Christ sees them: as an integral part of our own lives.  Because we are all connected.  We are all tied together like in a three-legged race. 


We read later in this week in 1 Corinthians 14:1 (NLT), “Let love be your highest goal”


I think this should be our benchmark in how we are interacting with the rest of the body, with our church family.  When I’ve stubbed my toe, I’ve looked after it, put ice on it, rested it.  I’ve LOVED it, even.  It didn’t stop the pain.  It didn’t stop the annoyance.  But it’s part of me, so I shall look after it. 


Maybe you’ve been jealous of someone - it’s time to celebrate with them.

Maybe you’ve been a lone wolf in the body - it’s time to reconnect. 

Maybe someone has been hurting and you have stayed away - it’s time to get involved.

Maybe you’ve viewed someone as less - it’s time to raise them up.

Photo of Becci Linscott

Becci Linscott
Lead Pastor
GoChurch Liverpool