You’ve all been to the stadium and seen the athletes race. Everyone runs; one wins. Run to win. All good athletes train hard. They do it for a gold medal that tarnishes and fades. You’re after one that’s gold eternally. (1 Cor 9:24-25, MSG)
It’s that time of year when we encourage all our teams to start setting goals for the upcoming school year. It’s an opportune moment to pause, reflect, and focus on the future. Just as athletes strive for the prize, we can also set meaningful goals that propel us toward a life of purpose and fulfillment.
1. Dream Big – You have a BIG GOD!
Take a moment to imagine a life without limitations. If time and money were no obstacle, what dreams would you pursue? What habits would you leave behind? Allow yourself to dream boldly! Our God is greater than any challenge or barrier.
2. Identify Your Core Values
At the heart of effective goal setting lies a clear understanding of what matters most to you. List your core values - those principles you hold dear and are willing to live and die for. Brainstorm a list of as many values as you can think of using just one word for each, grounding yourself in what truly defines your life’s purpose.
3. Craft Your Personal Mission Statement & Family Mission Statement
Condense your values into a concise mission statement. Whether for yourself or your family, articulate your mission in clear, present tense terms. Let it reflect your commitment to God, to others, and to yourself, ensuring each aspect of your life aligns with your highest priorities.
4. List Your Roles
Acknowledge the various roles you play in life - be it as a parent, spouse, friend or professional. Embrace these roles fully and integrate them into your goal-setting process. Recognising these roles will help you set balanced and comprehensive goals.
5. Goal Setting – Be Spirit Led
Your values and roles inform your goals. Define each goal with precision using actionable language. Utilise the SMART criteria: make them Specific, Measurable, Actionable, Realistic (yet full of faith steps), and Time-bound. Break down each goal into manageable tasks to maintain focus and momentum.
To write a well-defined goal, write it as an ‘action statement’… Start by using a ‘verb’… What movement do you want to see?
6. Cultivate Balance
Achieving balance across key areas of life is essential for emotional well-being:
7. Accountability and Vision
Hold yourself accountable by writing down your goals and making a firm commitment to achieving them. Share your goals with a trusted accountability partner who will support and encourage you along the way. Consider creating a vision board - a visual representation of your aspirations - to keep you motivated and focused.
In conclusion, as we prepare to turn the calendar, let’s approach the new school year with purpose and determination. By aligning our ambitions with our faith and values, we can run our race to win the prize that endures forever.
I trust these 7 Steps will help you get ready for the school year 2024/25 with clarity, intentionality, and a steadfast commitment to personal growth. Dream big, set goals boldly, and trust God to guide you as you set your destination on this journey. Happy goal setting!