Spiritual Balance

18 August 2024

Nico Talamona Picasso Style Image

1 Corinthians 1:21
“Since God in his wisdom saw to it that the world would never know him through human wisdom, he has used our foolish preaching to save those who believe”.


As an artist, knowing how to use the space uniquely and intelligently is one of the best ways to start building my designs.  If you ask yourself what this has to do with our spiritual balance, wait until the end.


The Bible has much to say about wisdom, but most importantly it teaches us that wisdom is found in God.  While reading Paul’s letter to the Corinthians, all I can think of is God’s wisdom vs worldly wisdom.  Paul is comparing two types of wisdom, one that may appear stupid to people but is full of the power of God, and the other one looks so good and helpful to people, yet God sees it as demonic, unspiritual, and earthly (James 3:15).  Why do you think Paul made this comparison?  Does this mean Paul discourages the use of the mind or logical arguments?  Based on his writings in Scripture, he does not.  He was an intelligent, well-educated man who routinely used powerful arguments in his ministry (Philippians 3:4–8; Acts 17:17 ).  Is it because he doesn’t like knowledge or because Paul is trying to underestimate the truth?  Remember, evidence and philosophy can lead a person to understand the truth, but it does not force them to accept it.


1 Corinthians 1:17 talks about how our wisdom can ruin the message of salvation and the way of receiving it because the gospel is full of power and doesn’t need any added arguments for the person to be convinced.  The reason so many fail to believe in Christ's death on the cross as the way to be forgiven for their sin is not because the idea is too hard to understand, but because it is too easy.  It is foolishness for simpletons, as an unbeliever sees it.  The gospel may appear foolish to many in the world, especially those who rely on their wisdom or the wisdom of others, so many may fail to receive it.  It cannot be fully understood through logic and philosophy alone.  Evidence can guide us toward truth, but accepting that truth requires receiving the revelation from God.  Philosophers and scientists usually look for tangible pieces of evidence or visual evidence to prove their theory.  To put it in the context of the kingdom of God, I see unbelievers typically waiting for a miracle to happen so they can believe and while miracles can catch the attention of people, they are not what brings salvation (Hebrew 11:1).   “Knowledge” is not the same thing as "trust," and merely understanding facts does not lead a person to salvation (James 2:19).  It is the revelation knowledge of who Jesus is and what He’s done for them that brings them to faith.


Suppose you are wondering why I started my blog with an emphasis on the intelligent use of space and colours in my design.  It is because the contrast of colours and the unbalanced composition are what brings harmony and uniqueness.  Similarly, in your life, whenever you unbalance the scales and rely on God’s wisdom instead of your own, you will no longer be distracted by life's circumstances.  God will fill you with His peace and bring out the better version of yourself that He has put in you.  This is a transformation that only He can accomplish.


In what areas of your life are you relying more on your wisdom than seeking God's wisdom?


How can you change that?

Photo of Krystel Baddour

Krystel Baddour
GoChurch Beirut