Over the next week we will read about what Jesus has to say about: 1. How to get into the Kingdom 2. Who qualifies 3. What it will cost us and 4. What our job is once we’re in the Kingdom. Let’s dive in and take a closer look:
- How do we get into the Kingdom?
Jesus tells us it’s through the narrow gate. (Luke 13.24) There’s only one way – not a variety of ways and that’s by choosing Jesus as our Lord and Saviour. We cannot automatically enter, earn or buy our way into the Kingdom.
- Who Qualifies?
Wealth and Position don’t qualify us (Luke 16.23). ALL are welcomed who humble themselves and repent. No one is disqualified on the grounds of unworthiness, as we are all unworthy and undeserving. It is by God’s Grace that we are saved.
- What will it cost us?
Nothing and Everything! Salvation is a free gift but being a disciple of Jesus means it will cost us our lives. (Luke 14.26) We are to become ‘Living Sacrifices’.
- What’s our job?
- Motivated by God’s love in us, we are to diligently seek the lost (Luke 15.4,8)
- Love those who are hurting with the compassion of Christ; take the message of God’s love to those who don’t realise it’s already theirs. (Luke 15.20, 31)
- Serve God and not money - use money wisely, including for Kingdom purposes. (Luke 16.13)
Heaven rejoices over those who enter into the Kingdom – but there is also grieving for those who choose a different destination. (Luke 15.7, Luke 13.24)
I pray that heaven will be rejoicing over our GoChurch family this week and every week as Kingdom purposes are being worked out through us. Let’s finish with these Kingdom scriptures to meditate on and put into practice: Matt 6.10 ‘Your Kingdom come, your will be done on earth as it is in heaven’ and Matt 6.33 ‘Seek first His Kingdom and His Righteousness’ and Ps 145.13 ‘Your Kingdom is an everlasting Kingdom, and your dominion endures through all generations.’
Have a very blessed week.