“What joy overwhelms everyone who keeps the ways of God, those who seek him as their heart’s passion!” Psalm 119:2 (TPT)
Did you know that the Bible says we can be overwhelmed with joy just because we obey Him?!
I remember Pastor Colin Urquhart speaking about joy bubbles that come from obedience. The second we do anything in obedience, a joy bubble is released in your spirit and, if you allow it, will rise up and overwhelm you!
What an incredible source of joy to tap into…
Read your Bible today? Joy bubble!
Pray with your children? Joy bubble!
Be kind to a stranger? Joy bubble!
Go to church? Joy bubble!
And my favourite part of the verse - for those who seek Him as their heart’s passion! Or the Amplified Version says, ‘those who crave Him with all their hearts!’
Is the Lord your heart’s passion? Do you crave Him with all your heart?
Because if you do - JOY BUBBLES!!!
This verse reminds me of a couple falling in love - everything in their life becomes about that person! They love to do things that will make the other person smile and to serve them. They can’t help but smile ALL THE TIME because that person becomes a heart passion!
Or have you ever seen a mum sit and smile at her baby? They even think their baby’s wind face is worth smiling about! Loving someone with all your heart brings you joy. How much more so when we love and obey our Lord and Saviour!
You have an untapped source of joy right now, because as you read this you’re keeping the way of the Lord! So smile! Be joyful! Allow His joy to overwhelm you!
“What joy overwhelms everyone who keeps the ways of God, those who seek him as their heart’s passion!” Psalm 119:2 (TPT)