New Seasons!

25 December 2020

Four seasons in one image

There is something that I just love about being in the United Kingdom. It is probably something that you take for granted but for myself its quite neat.


And that is, that there are differing seasons here in the U.K. Let me explain. I grew up on the tropical island nation of Samoa which is in the middle of the Pacific Ocean.


Being located in the tropics, there is really only one season. And that’s Summer, all year round. The average daily temperature in Samoa is 33 degrees, and the variance from day to day is plus or minus 2 degrees.


We don’t have seasons like Winter (what a shock that was the first time we came here!), Autumn or Spring. We just have Summer. Which is why I really appreciate the differing seasons we have here in the U.K.


Having different seasons is really neat!


We are entering another season, the season of a new year, leaving 2020 and entering 2021. And a new season often means new priorities. For many of us that means setting new goals, making new plans and setting a new direction for our lives.


Before we do make those goals, plans and take that direction for 2021 lets

take into account an additional factor that we need to input.


And that’s this ... Jesus is coming back soon! 


Revelation 22:20 says that He who is the faithful witness to all these things says, “Yes, I am coming soon!””


There is a new season that is fast approaching us, it’s the season of Jesus return to this earth.


If you knew that the Lord was coming back during 2021, how would this change your goals, plans and direction. What would your priorities be?


Where would you invest your time, money and effort?

Photo of Mathew Tapusoa

Mathew Tapusoa
GoChurch Bradford