Bible reading plan Bible reading plan

Promoting God’s Legacy

11 September 2022

A person's hands holding a bible over their knees. The text reads 'Kingdom Legacy'.

The Apostle Paul made an immense impact in the world of Christianity that has transcended thousands of years.  We simply can’t study the Bible without uncovering the faithful exploits of this mighty missionary.  Unintentionally, yet unapologetically, he created a legacy for the coming generations of Christians (including you and me) to practise.  However, this question must be asked: did Paul promote his own legacy or the legacy of the Lord?  As a faithful, humble servant of Christ, Paul promoted God’s legacy, the gospel of Jesus Christ.


The last verse in the book of Acts clearly defines Paul’s success as he promoted God’s legacy.  Acts 28:30 states, “For the next two years, Paul lived in Rome at his own expense.  He welcomed all who visited him, boldly proclaiming the Kingdom of God and teaching about the Lord Jesus Christ.  And no one tried to stop him.”


Paul was no stranger to hardships as seen throughout the book of Acts, but in all things he PERSEVERED.  After walking through battle after battle, Paul was held in prison for 2 years (at his own expense).   With wholeheartedness, Paul remained a faithful servant to the Lord.  As told to King Agrippa in the 26 chapter of Acts, Paul obeyed the vision he received from heaven and did so with dedication and commitment.


While being held in Rome, the Bible tells us that Paul welcomed all who visited him.  Paul’s heart is continually revealed by his words and his actions.  He was always more concerned for the salvation of the PEOPLE around him than his own well-being (Acts 26: 28,29).  A true love of people was consistently displayed in Paul’s life.


Next, we see that Paul boldly PROCLAIMED the Kingdom of God and never shied away from proclaiming the ‘sober truth.’  As documented, Paul was always ready to testify, share his hope in the fulfilment of God’s promises and persuade others to believe.  As the Word tells us, we are to be ready in season and out of season.  We each have a testimony to share of our hope in the Living God.


Paul was on mission, focussed, and pressing on towards the goal to win the prize for which Jesus Christ had called him.  Due to his perseverance, love for people and ability to boldly proclaim the truth, Paul was PRESERVED.  His life was spared time and time again in order for him to complete his mission.  Therefore, the gospel progressed and was propelled throughout the known world of Paul’s age.  Gather strength, because you can do the same!  Maintaining a firm grasp on the mission set before you by God will consequently propel the gospel in the arenas of your influence.


We must not forget the 4 P’s Paul lived his life by:

  • Perservere
  • People
  • Proclaim
  • Preserved


The Apostle Paul’s legacy was that of God’s legacy, the gospel of Jesus Christ.  What is your legacy?  A lasting, positive impact will be created by a person who perseveres, has a love for people, and proclaims the truth of the gospel.  It is then that you will be preserved to complete the mission God has for you on the Earth.  Let’s be remembered for promoting God’s legacy, the gospel of Jesus Christ and watch it be propelled throughout the earth.

Miranda Lester