Rocks or Bread?

07 January 2024

Flatbread in a basket

Do you know that God is the giver of all things GOOD?  Jesus shares this with the people in Matthew 7:7-11.  As much as we as parents want to give our children what they need, our loving Heavenly Father wants to give us GOOD gifts even more.  He does not cause bad things (like giving stones instead of bread or snakes instead of fish) in our lives; on the contrary, He brings all things good to those who will build their lives on Him. 


One area of our lives in which it seems many will try to say God did this or that bad thing to teach us a lesson or to bring us closer to Him is in the area of sickness.  Jesus removes all question of God’s desire give us good things in the previously mentioned passage: He does not bring sickness, which is of the devil (John 10:10).  Jesus came to give us life and health and all things good. 


In Matthew 8:3, The Passion Translation says it clearly. “Jesus said, ‘Of Course I do! Be healed!’” Following this, the rest of chapter 8 is filled with accounts of Jesus healing the sick and fulfilling the prophecy of Isaiah 53:4&5, “He was beaten so we could be whole…”  He was to be the healer.  He IS OUR Healer!  


There have been many times in my life where I had to put this truth to the test as negative reports or situations were hurled into my life.   On one such day, my tiny daughter at 6 weeks old had to be rushed to the hospital with low oxygen of 40%.  As we headed to the paediatric emergency department in the ambulance, I knew it was God’s will to heal and was beginning to understand my authority over sickness and all the works of the devil, so I began to pray in the Spirit and commanded the devil to take his hands off my child in Jesus’s name.  I did my part and stood on the Word of God and God did His part.  The medical staff told me later as we arrived to the hospital that they did not know what we were doing, but she’s 100% better!  What a testimony to God’s supernatural working in her life. 


Papa Kenneth E. Hagin used to say, “This is just another opportunity to prove the Word works.”  It is our choice to believe that God gives us bread and fish and never rocks or serpents   One way to help us make that choice is to look to the Word of God and find the truths about our situation, then stand firmly on the truth without question.  As you do, you will see that the truth from the Word of God stands through the storms, and nothing can sway that truth that Jesus wants to give us healing. 


Family application: 

One way to teach your children about God’s desire to heal them and see them walking in health is to involve your family in gathering verses on healing and begin putting them in your heart by reading one at each meal or focus on one verse for a week at meals or family quiet time together and asking the Holy Spirit to give you a revelation and knowledge of God’s will in this area.  As you do this I believe you will see victories in the area of walking in health this year and build your children’s faith as well as your own.

Photo of Dawn Adams

Dawn Adams
GoChurch Beirut