Bible reading plan Bible reading plan

The Precious Seed

23 April 2021

Two hands holding a seedling

I want to consider the importance of the precious seed. Jesus is the precious seed of man and came for us. He gave His life as an offering, many would see it at the time as nothing, as a simple loss of life, but those who knew the truth and walked with Jesus, who had the revelation of the preciousness of Jesus' life, would see the value in the seed. Jesus, the God of the living, as Luke shares in Chapter 20:38, is walking through the process of sacrificing His life and sowing himself into the earth for man? For what? To bring forth the harvest. I want to focus on the seed sown. We know that seed produces after its own kind, and a seed can only grow once it is planted.


Luke 21: 1-4 TPT 

1 Jesus observed all the wealthy coming into the temple courts wanting to be noticed as they came with their offerings. 

He noticed a very poor widow who dropped two small copper coins in the offering box. 

"Listen to me," he said. "This poor widow has given a larger offering than any of the wealthy. 

For the rich only gave out of their surplus, but she sacrificed out of her poverty and gave to God all that she had to live on."


This widow gave her precious seed; she gave of her ability to live and thrive. This widow is an example of the trust and faith that she would have in sowing and reaping and the value she saw in giving offerings. The widow did not give for the show but out of obedience to what she knew was the will of God.


When I went to Bible school in 2012, I was very concerned; I had a very good job that provided well for my family, and I could not see how quitting my job and moving 2 hours away from my home would benefit my family, but out of obedience to God I did. We moved and began life. As I started school, things did not simply become perfect; we struggled for over a year trying to make ends meet. What helped us to keep our heads up amid the struggle was knowing that we were in the will of God and we were obedient to His direction. Soon things began to change. The impossible began to happen - even when it seemed we had nothing to give. Miraculous things took place, the Lord supernaturally paid my school tuition 100%, and He met our monthly financial needs. Then the desires of our hearts began to flow, and we began to take international trips to minister; God brought us to 5 different countries to minister His love. This was all from sowing our seed of obedience. God is faithful. When you give Him control of your life, He will fill the voids and bring wholeness to what is broken. He will give you the desires of your heart. All He asks for is what you have. Sow it all so that you can reap the harvest He has for you.


Confession: Father, I come before you today as your child, and I give you thanks for all you are doing in my life. Lord, I bring myself before you as an offering, I sow my hopes, dreams, and desires into your plan, and I give myself completely to you. Lord, I commit today anew. I will follow you; I will give my time, talents, and finances to your work. Lord, help me to walk worthy of the calling you have placed on my life so that I can help others to know you more today in Jesus' name!

Photo of Julie Hattabaugh

Julie Hattabaugh
Lead Pastor
GoChurch Beirut