Recently, whilst we prayed as a church in Liverpool on a Sunday morning for the lost, God showed me 2 pictures: one was a deflated balloon. The second was that same balloon fully inflated.
Often we use this imagery in church to visualise the Holy Spirit inside us, filling us with Himself and so becoming “fit for purpose.”
But this time God showed me something on the balloon. An image, writing. A message.
When the balloon was deflated, you could not see that there was a message to read, let alone what that message was. However as the balloon was inflated the message became visible and then clearer and clearer.
In this week's reading we hear about John the Baptist, and it struck me that he had such a clear message and that he shouted that message loud and clear to anyone he met and everyone who would listen.
“John was living in the wilderness. While he was there, God spoke to him. John went to many places near the river Jordan and spoke a message from God. ‘You have done many wrong things,’ he taught everybody. ‘You must turn away from them and change how you live. Then God will forgive you and I will baptize you.’” (Luke 3:2-3 EASY Translation)
As Christians we are like that inflated balloon, full of Him, His truth, His life. When we read His Word, when we spend time with Him, He speaks to us, just as He spoke to John. It’s important that we do these things and not let our balloons deflate!
We also have a message to be seen and heard.
What message are you showing to others around you? What words do they hear you say? What subjects do you excitedly talk about? How do your actions show the message of love that He has put within us?
This week, each day, take a few minutes to complete these 3 steps and then try to live it out during the course of your day
Step 1 - receive a fresh infilling of the Holy Spirit
Step 2 - listen to Him. Has He got a specific message for someone you’ll meet today? A word of nowledge or encouragement? Is His gospel alive in your heart?
Step 3 - ask how you are displaying His message today