What Season Is It?

26 February 2023

A close up of snowdrops

We are almost at the end of February already!  Winter is nearly over; spring is only a short time away.  The passing of the seasons represents significant times in the Bible, whether for seedtime or harvest (natural) or times of God’s favour (spiritual) or mission trips like Paul’s (both natural & spiritual).


The wise are commended (praised) for understanding the times and seasons (sons of Issachar, 1 Chronicles 12:32) and knowing what to do.  Paul charged Timothy with these words: “Preach the Word; be prepared in season and out of season; correct, rebuke and encourage – with great patience and careful instruction.” (2 Timothy 4:2)


This week Jesus has four major encounters with people: at a country wedding, a late-night discussion, a lunchtime encounter and a hospital visit.  Each encounter finds Jesus ready “in season and out of season”.  No matter whether he knew ahead of time or not, he was ready.


As we see Jesus move through the different situations, we are to remember that he was made just like us (Hebrews 2:14-18) for a reason.  As Christians, we are just like him in every way.  Whatever we see Jesus do, we can also do even greater things (John 14:12-13).  We are to have confidence in that wonderful truth because “in this world we are like Jesus.” (1 John 4:17)


John 2 – The Wedding

Jesus was relaxing when his mother calls him out.  Jesus doesn’t seem switched on as his response is, “It is not my time”.  Remember, he was just like us!!!  


Sometimes, he knew ahead of time what he was going to do.  This time, it seems not.


Jesus’ mother touches him with her faith as she speaks to the servants.  She unlocks a miracle by her words, “whatever he says, do”.  Her faith is not based on a “Word from God” but her knowledge of Jesus.  She recognises his authority; she knows his character and love.  She trusts him totally!  Yet up to this moment, Jesus had done no miracles.  Why would she expect such a breakthrough?


John 3 – Nicodemus

A key Jewish religious ruler, a teacher himself, a theologian and someone responsible for doctrine, comes to Jesus.  He recognises Jesus’ authority and validates Jesus’ ministry, especially the miracles.  What a contrast to the regular questioning of the religious people who only want to test Jesus.  Nicodemus humbles himself, recognising his own lack.  The answers transform both his life and all of us.  You must be born again!


John 4 – The Samaritan Woman

An outcast woman of dubious reputation is the key to reaching an entire town, but Jesus is tired, hungry and alone.  He reaches beyond his culture and beyond his energy levels to speak into one person’s life and transforms both her and a whole town.


John 5 – The Paralysed man

At least the Samaritans were interested.  But in this health resort or hospital ward everyone is passive.  The waiting goes on without results.  Thirty-eight years and counting for this man, without any change.  Jesus appears to him to change the season.  One Word of Knowledge is enough to release the healing.  Everyone else ignores the situation.  No cries of, “me next please”.  No people climbing trees just to see Jesus.  No crowd shouting praises.  Just Jesus and the man, until the religious hear about the situation and come to close down the ministry.


Jesus speaks these famous words to change the season ...


“For this is how God loved the world: He gave his one and only Son, so that everyone who believes in him will not perish but have eternal life. God sent his Son into the world not to judge the world, but to save the world through him.  There is no judgment against anyone who believes in him. But anyone who does not believe in him has already been judged for not believing in God’s one and only Son. (John 3:16-18 NLT)


What season are we in? ... Harvest time!!  Let’s change the season for folks around us this week.

Photo of Alan Morton

Alan Morton
Founding Pastor
GoChurch Global