Luke 14:17 At the time of the banquet he sent his servant to tell those who had been invited, ‘Come, for everything is now ready.’
We have received invitations to some amazing weddings here in the Middle East. Recently, a young couple whom we had just met, invited us to their Lebanese wedding. When I received the invitation, I was surprised as we had only met a few months before. After going to their wedding, I am so glad that we were invited! What a spectacular extravaganza and a true celebration of this couple becoming one. I’m so glad I received an invitation!
Middle Eastern weddings are unlike any weddings I have been to. You can expect to see lots of beautiful flowers all throughout the home of the couple, then a reception room flooded with flowers, plenty of food, lots of dancing and music that makes you feel like you stepped into a movie set on location.
The newlywed couple make a loud and elaborate entrance to a reception surrounded by drums and dancers, with loud high-pitched cries of friends expressing happiness and then the food begins.
Middle Eastern cultures are all about the food, and this comes through at their weddings. You can guarantee that the weddings will have a true scrumptious feast that will fill you until you burst. You will then prepare yourself because a long night of dancing is always on the agenda. To top off the evening you can expect fireworks and even a wedding cake cut with an actual sword. These Middle Eastern weddings are truly bucket list experiences! If you ever get invited to one you must go!
The Bible tells us of another banquet that is being prepared for all of us even now. This banquet will be even more spectacular than any of the amazing weddings you or I’ve attended. He says it’s ready and is happening soon! This is a banquet that no one will want to miss – I guarantee it! You will definitely regret it if you do not attend.
What’s even more exciting is that each of us have been given an invitation to this upcoming banquet!! Yes! Can you believe it? We’ve also been given invitations to invite anyone we want! If you haven’t received your invite yet all you do is have to ask me. I want as many people as possible to come. I’m hoping you will say “YES” and enjoy the banquet with me. We are going to have such an amazing time. YOU WON’T WANT TO MISS IT!
Day 104
God says He wants His house full! In a few sentences, tell us how you are being God’s voice or hands to someone in these challenging times.
Day 105
“The Bible says we are like salt. When you’re seasoned with salt, you will speak:
Words that bring preservation.
Words that flavor life and make it “taste” better.
Words that bring healing to the sick.
Words that “disinfect” and free those who were once were contaminated. Words that are filled with protection, safety, and deliverance.
Words that are so faith-filled, they create a blessed environment around us.” From Sparkling Gems 2 – Rick Renner.
Speak over all of us something salty today!
Day 106
Luke 15: 1-10.
Share with us someone you know who has recently come to the Lord or if you have a recent Victory so we can all rejoice just like the angels.
Day 107
Because we are NOT like the older brother in the prodigal son story … Give us a testimony where you took advantage of something that God said was already yours.
Day 108
Luke 16 says God was pleased with the manager because he “used every adversity to stimulate you to creative survival.” During our recent isolation … how did you turn this adversity to a creative opportunity? Any praise reports?
Day 109
List 3-5 names that you are praying for that need to know Jesus as their Lord & Saviour so we can all pray for them.
Day 110
Luke 17:1-19.
Tell God 1 thing you’re super thankful for today … (it can’t be salvation, Jesus or the obvious)