Accomplish the Mission

02 April 2023

A black and white cartoon of a person at the top of steps. At the top of the steps is a flag. The person is holding the flag and the other arm is lifted into the air.

Jesus knew that his mission was accomplished…  (John 19:28, TPT)


In this week’s reading, the first things that we see are the events surrounding the death and resurrection of Jesus.  It is timely, considering that Resurrection Sunday is around the corner.  The world sees this event as one of the most important events in history.  If you don’t believe me, check your calendar.  Time literally starts from that point on.


Let’s look past the world’s perspective.  Let’s look at this event from Jesus’ perspective.  John 19:28 talks about the moment when Jesus knew that His mission was accomplished.  Do you know what this means? 

Jesus had a mission. 

Jesus knew His mission. 

Jesus carried out His mission.

Jesus accomplished His mission!


From birth, and throughout His life, those around Jesus made it clear that He had a mission on earth (His parents, Simeon and Anna at the temple, John the Baptist).  From His conversation with Nicodemus, we see that He knew His mission on earth.  Through His words and actions, He made it clear that His life was dedicated to carrying out that mission - He only did what He saw the Father do and only said what He heard the Father say.  Above all, He accomplished His mission when He said, “It is finished”!  From beginning to end, everything about Jesus’ earthly life was deliberate.  Everything He did and said was with purpose and direction. 


This week, we also read about someone else who is given a mission - Peter.  In John 21:15-17, Jesus reveals to Peter the mission that is intended for him to accomplish.  In Acts 2, we see Peter carrying out the early stages of his mission on the day of Pentecost when He leads thousands into the body of Christ by sharing the life of the gospel with them!


Let’s go one step further - did you know that we were all created with a purpose and that we all have a God-given mission?  Did you know that the Lord wants to reveal this mission to you and to breathe life into it with His word?  Did you know that the Lord is counting on you to carry out your mission, and has prepared a crown of victory to those who accomplish their mission?


Habakkuk 2:2 tells us to write the vision and make it plain so that we can run with it.  When I saw this, I took a decision to make a “vision list” of all the things that the Lord has told me about my life, and about His plans for my life.  One of those things that He revealed to me was this: when I was looking for a church family to connect to, He introduced me to the team at GoChurch Beirut and said to my heart “Here is a church, now help build it.”


This week, I encourage you to take the time to ask the Lord what mission He has given you to run with and to accomplish, to write it down, and to determine to keep running in that direction until it is accomplished.

Photo of Gilbert Massaad

Gilbert Massaad
Assistant to the Pastor
GoChurch Beirut