Stay Connected to the Source

26 March 2023

River weaving between mountains

God is the everlasting, unfailing source of our supply!  Jenn and I became full-time missionaries in 2010, and since then, we have declared this phrase.  It was one of our core declarations when our bank account was empty, and we had very little financial support.  It is what we speak when we are going through changes in life, and we dont know the next steps.  And it is what we declare when life throws the unexpected at us.


While faith declarations are essential to help us build our faith, something else is far more vital: staying connected to the source.  In John 15:5, Jesus tells us, I am the vine; you are the branches.  If you remain in me and I in you, you will bear much fruit; apart from me, you can do nothing.”


Remaining in Christ means more than just believing in Him.  Its more than making an appearance at church or saying the right things.  It means actively seeking to know Him and following His example.  It means spending time in the word and connecting with Him through prayer and worship.  It is developing a relationship with your Lord and Saviour.  And through this relationship, we come to understand that God is the source of our every need.  He is our provider, healer, comforter, and so much more.  When we remain in Him, we become rooted and grounded in His love, and as a result, we bear much fruit.


The verse above says if” we remain in Him.  This means there is a choice on our side.  Sometimes, we can take our relationship for granted and assume that it will always be strong and we will always be connected.  But if that were true, this verse wouldn't be in the Bible.  If you have been a Christian for any length of time, you know how easy it is to allow life to overshadow your relationship with God.


As Christians, we must choose daily to remain connected to the Vine.  If you have allowed life to get in the way of your relationship with God, I want to encourage you to set time aside to spend with God intentionally.  Put it in your diary, block out that time as God time, and keep the appointment.  It might be difficult at first, but I guarantee that the more time you spend connected to the source, the more you will desire Him.



Father, thank you for being the everlasting, unfailing source of my supply.  Forgive me for the times I have allowed life to overshadow our relationship and help me to make the daily choice to remain connected to You.

Photo of Kenny MacKay

Kenny MacKay
Associate Pastor
GoChurch Bradford