Faith That Will Move You, Will Move Your Mountain

08 January 2021

Silhouette of a man stood on a mountain

In Matthew 9:18-31, we see three healing stories that contain three important lessons.


  1. If you come to Jesus in faith, you will see the miraculous. Verses 18-19, 23-25


  1. If your faith can move you, it will heal you. Verses 20-22


  1. Don’t let go until you can see. Verses 27-29


Actually, all three of these stories have these points in common. First, we must know that the answer is in Christ. Second, we must be motivated to act on our faith. And third, you cannot stop until you ‘see’ the answer.


The ruler came to Jesus in worship, acknowledging who Jesus ‘Is,’ what He ‘Is’ able to do, and asking if he would “But come and lay Your hand on her, and she will live.” During an impossible situation, he saw the possibility in the one with whom all things are possible. He obviously heard something, which is his time of desperation; he allowed his faith to move him to the Master, and he remained in His presence until he saw the miraculous.


The woman with the flow of blood heard of Jesus, “she said, If I may just touch His garment, I shall be healed.” Then she came and didn’t quit until she touched him and was healed.


Finally, let’s look at the two blind men. As Jesus departed from the ruler’s house, these two blind men followed Him, crying out to Him in acknowledgment of who He ‘Is,’ begging for mercy. Diligently following Him, they pursued with faith, knowing that in Him lied the answer to their impossible situation. With their pursuit and profession of faith, they found that ‘He Is’ a rewarder of them that diligently seek Him by faith.


If you have faith in Jesus, that moves you to take hold of God and not let go, your situation will change every time. When you are faced with the impossible, incline your ear to God through His Word. When faith rises up in you, move to take hold of the promise, believe that you have the answer, and keep holding on with your profession of faith until you see a change in the natural.

Photo of Tripp Wynne

Tripp Wynne
GoChurch Beirut