What a privilege to be writing this leading up to Easter Sunday, our great Victory Day, when Jesus won the keys of hell and death, the last fearful tool of the enemy!
Easter Sunday is baptism day for GoChurch Manchester; what an amazing day to set up a tombstone to the old life and make a mark of the beginning of new life with Jesus! Death should hold no fear for us; it is simply passing through a doorway from your heavenly life on earth with Jesus to continuing your eternal life with him in heaven – it is just a change of location.
Paul sums up the three years of Jesus’ ministry leading up to his death as follows:
“How God anointed Jesus of Nazareth with the Holy Spirit and power, and how he went around doing good and healing all who were under the power of the devil, because God was with him.” Acts 10:38 NIV
The readings we are looking at this week give us some highlights of what this looked like day to day. Although some of the miracles took place on the Sabbath in the synagogues, most of them occurred as Jesus was out and about with his disciples and among the regular crowds around him, as well as those who came to seek healing once word got out about what was happening around him.
Here is the challenge – are we trying desperately to get people to come to church to meet Jesus and receive their miracle, or are we in expectation that he will use US to meet them right where they are, sharing how much Jesus loves them and praying with them if appropriate?
Remember, it takes a lot of encounters before people are ready to make a decision to follow Jesus or even to come to church! Think about when you first meet someone day to day: it would be a bit strange if they invited you to their house after one conversation (in British culture anyway!)
Note that Paul says, God anointed Jesus of Nazareth with the Holy Spirit and power – we cannot do this in our own strength. Let’s ask God today for a refilling and refreshing of the Holy Spirit and a recharging of his power so we can GO in strength and confidence, asking him each day to show us the opportunities around us to share his love.
As a family, can you think of anyone in your circle of friends who you can bless this week? It doesn’t have to be ‘religious’; kindness is rarer these days and just taking notice of someone goes a long way. Feel free to encourage us by commenting about what happened in the Bible reading notes.
And finally, Happy Easter! May you know and experience the joy of living his life in you here and now and in heaven forever, and may there be many more people in heaven because they have seen you living that life!