After Jesus Triumphal Entry into Jerusalem some Greeks came to seek Jesus, and after being told of his visitors he says some puzzling things. He draws a parallel between himself and a grain of wheat, then Jesus says, “Anyone who loves their life will lose it, while anyone who hates their life in this world will keep it for eternal life” (John 12:25). At first glance this seems contradictory to Jesus’ message. The contrast here is to hate or to love, in other words to reject or to choose.
In these statements, and those following, Jesus affirms his identity to the seekers. The Master eloquently paints the magnitude of the time and place he has come to, and the choice that the Greeks and each of us must make.
I wonder what the Greeks had come for, what were they hoping for in seeking to meet Jesus? Had they heard about Lazarus being raised from the dead? Had they heard he healed a man born blind? Maybe about the miracle of the loaves and fishes. Did they come to be granted a request, or to seek a sign? Or were they there to serve the Messiah?
Many times, people are seeking for what can bring a blessing, or make their life better. There comes a point that we have to realize, we have encountered the Master and there is a choice to make. When we choose to let the ‘kernel’ of our worldly life fall to the ground and die, we will see an abundant harvest eternal life springing up all around us. This is not only the salvation of our souls, but our journey into the wonderful presence and service of our Lord Jesus.
Finally, Jesus says, “My Father will honour the one who serves me” (John 12:26). Have you chosen to ‘hate’ your life for Jesus’ sake? How are you serving Him?