Stay in Your Lane!

04 June 2021

A road leading towards the hills

In life, it’s so easy to look at others and think: I wish I had what they have, I wish I was that successful, had a marriage like that, my faith walk was that good, that I’m as financially stable as those other people. 


And I guess it’s a normal reaction to others around us especially when we live in an age of social media where people only post their best bits for the world to see! 


But this thinking is such a lie from the enemy. I have noticed in my life I can easily look at others and think why can’t I have what they have! Thinking like this is a problem because we can easily miss the amazing blessings God has given us. 


Don’t get me wrong it’s always good to learn from others success but we have to be careful not to compare ourselves, our lives, our families, our jobs and our callings to others. 


In John 17:4 Jesus says: 


“I brought glory to you here on earth by completing the work you gave me to do.”


We have all been given a significant job to do here on earth by our father in heaven, to bring Him glory just as Jesus did. 


But if we start to compare with others, we can easily get taken off track from what God wants us to do. 


This thinking is not a new one, even Peter said this in John 21:21-22 about John - 


“Peter asked Jesus, “What about him, Lord?” Jesus replied, “If I want him to remain alive until I return, what is that to you? As for you, follow me.”


In the verse before this Jesus had just told Peter his name meant ‘rock’ and He would build His Church upon the rock! Wow! What an amazing thing to be told!!! Jesus also told Peter how he would die. Not so amazing! 


But Peter wanted to know what God had planned for John ... and in doing this he missed what Jesus was trying to show him and tell him. 


If we continually look at others and what they have and their calling we can easily miss what God is showing us now, where He is leading us, and the blessings he is pouring on us. 


So, let’s stay in ‘our lane’, our chosen path by God, because when we do that, that is the best place for us! And that’s when we can say to God at the end just as Jesus did: “I brought glory to you here on earth by completing the work you gave me to do.”


Let’s get our eyes off others and fix our eyes on the Author and Perfecter of our faith (Heb 12:2) and as we do that we will stay in our lane and bring glory to God our father! 


Prayer of response: 

Holy Spirit enable me to keep my eyes on the Author and Perfecter of my faith that I stay in my lane and not compare my life and calling to others. Enable me to bring you glory as I live my life sold out for you! Amen. 

Photo of Barney Linscott

Barney Linscott
Lead Pastor
GoChurch Liverpool