What To Do When It's Crazy All Around

27 February 2022

A statue of a dragon against a colourful sunset

A few weeks ago one of my daughters wanted to go to see the latest Spiderman film. This was one of those opportunities to spend time with her even though it wasn’t a film I had any desire to see. I’m sorry Marvel film fans but I just find it all too far fetched! I like films and stories to feel real and as I sat there watching all sorts of weird and wonderful characters appearing I couldn’t help admiring the creativity of the story writers.


This week’s readings have a similar feel to them with crazy dragons and beasts with seven heads and ten horns all making an appearance! Not only are the characters somewhat odd looking but they then start making all sorts of trouble for the people of God. It truly could be a scene out of a film.


I think life can be like that many times with crazy and weird things happening all around us, attacking us and causing us to feel overwhelmed with it all. It may not be dragons or beasts but sickness, financial pressures, hassles at work or school can all lead us to feeling like we are fighting on all fronts. In the middle of these readings (Revelation 15 v 3-4) though we see what the victorious people are doing; they are singing an amazing worship song.


This helps us to see one of the most powerful tools we can have to defeat the dragons and beasts that attack us in our lives. So why does this work? Well worship helps us to get our eyes off ourselves, off the weird and crazy and onto the most amazing, victorious King of Kings! It helps us to refocus on one who has won and gives us all that we need. Our praise always silences the voice of the enemy and causes him problems.


Just as these couple of verses are amazingly beautiful in their worship so we can all write our own worship songs. Whatever challenges, situations, dragons or beasts you are facing why not stop and get your eyes focused on Jesus. It's really easy to write your own worship and you can do this on your own or as a family. Here are a few tips to help you.


  1. Write words that say who God is to you – true worship is all about Jesus.
  2. Write words that say what God has done
  3. Keep it simple – a few lines are enough (there were only about 6 lines of worship in those two verses I mentioned above)
  4. If doing this as a family why not take one line each and add to what the last person has done.


Once you have something written down speak it out – if you have someone musical who wants to make it into a song then go for it but the most important thing here is that we speak out our praises to God, get our eyes fixed on Him and allow His victory to happen in our lives.

Photo of Mark Walker

Mark Walker
Lead Pastor
GoChurch Manchester