Where Are You Going?

21 August 2022

A wall painted blue with a white arrow pointing to the right.

Have you ever asked the Lord where to shop, or which way home you should walk, or who you should phone?


In this week’s readings the Lord told Paul to go into the city (9v6). The Lord told Ananias to go to a particular address and ask for someone by name (9v11-12). The Lord told Cornelius to send men to Joppa to bring back Simon, called Peter (10v5).


Does the Lord still do this today?


Three accounts from my life.


I’d just dropped the kids at school.  I had 3 possible ways to walk home.  That morning I had been reminded if the Holy Spirit was with me all the time, then I should act as if he was walking with me like a friend.  So, I prayed: Which way home today, Lord. I sensed that I should go along the High Street. One of the shops on this High Street had very narrow aisles and it was usual for a parent to leave a toddler in their pushchair outside as they ran in. As I was coming up to this shop, I saw a toddler get out of their pushchair and run towards the busy road. I ran too and managed to catch the child before they ran into the road. Phew!


Another time, I needed to go and buy some clothes. I’ve got into the habit of asking the Lord where the best place to shop is on any given day. This particular day, I heard the Lord say: Marks and Spencer Outlet at Salford Quays. To be honest, I thought, well, I’m not going to get what I want there but in obedience I went. As I walked into the store, I bumped into a church member who just burst into tears. She was new in church, feeling lonely and had some personal issues that she was facing. That morning she had prayed that God would send someone to her from the church … and there I was!


Another time, I had gone to a home store that was part of a retail park. I had bought my item and was just leaving, walking towards my car. I heard the Lord say go to TK Maxx. This was at the other end of the car park, I didn’t need anything from there but I thought, ok, I’ll wander over there, maybe the Lord has a bargain lined up for me. I was slowly walking between the clothes stands when a woman from another church recognised me and came over. After the usual “hello’s” in passing, she turned back and asked if she could talk to me. Turned out she had been praying about her pastor as she didn’t understand a decision they had made. I was able to give a neutral unbiased perspective that I later learnt led to a reconciliation.


Where does the Lord want to take you today? Which way home does He want you to take?


We sometimes think that if we dare to ask the Lord, that we are going to find ourselves in some intense situation that demands an immediate miracle. In fact, the Lord wants to be in our every day, and if we are willing, we will find divine appointments along the way.


Where are you going today?

Photo of Claire Morton

Claire Morton
Founding Pastor
GoChurch Global