Dear Loved One

04 December 2020

A bundle of letters tied up with string

As I have read through this week’s scriptures, I am struck by how personal some of these letters are.  Not just to an individual but to the churches involved. 


Every Friday, since lockdown began in March, Alan and I have written a letter to the Manchester church.  Sometimes encouraging, sometimes practical, sometimes with information.  Each time we have wanted the church to catch our heart for them, as well as the Lord’s heart.


In both 2 John and 3 John, he finishes the letters with “I hope to see you soon, so we can talk face to face”.  How poignant at this time?


John didn’t have the privilege of Zoom calls, Facetime or WhatsApp video calls.  He couldn’t pick up a landline and call the Pastor of each church, he relied on writing letters.  Letters filled with passion, love and concern for these early churches.


2 John has instructions about travelling teachers, who to welcome, and who to send away.


3 John is a more personal letter.  Short but yet filled with encouragement, instruction and warning.


Jude also writes an extremely passionate letter, conveying his concern and warning the early church against those who seek to bring division.


Then we have Revelation, written to 7 churches, each with their own personal mention.  This is not just a catch all letter.  He knows intimately what is happening in each place, his communication network is strong.


As we approach Christmas this year, I wonder if you have considered how you are connecting with those outside of your family.  Who do you need to encourage?  Who needs to hear some wise words of wisdom?  Who needs to know you care and that you are longing to meet with them face to face?


Most of the items that come through our letter boxes these days are statements, bills or flyers.  There is something special about someone taking the time to write a letter.  So, give it a go.  Whether you do this by hand, or send an email, let them hear your heart for them.


As John says, I hope to see you soon, and talk face to face.


With love, Claire

Photo of Claire Morton

Claire Morton
Founding Pastor
GoChurch Global