Bible reading plan Bible reading plan

Living In The Truth

28 November 2021

Someone reading the bible which is opened at the book of Chronicles

At the start of this year Barney and I started our second time at Bible College - this time Rhema.  It has been incredible to hear foundational truths again and again, as well as gaining new understanding and revelation.


In the last module one comment struck me, and I paraphrase:


Let me explain.


If something is old to you, you are not living in it


If you consider certain truths, Bible passages or Bible stories something that you know, that you’ve already learnt and you have got everything you can from it, then you will not be living in the truths of those scriptures.


For example, with Christmas coming, how many of us see it as a story we’ve heard a thousand times before?  A time for children to act out the nativity?  A fantastic “event that happened” and meant that Jesus could die on the cross and save us?


Or do we, each time we read the scriptures or hear the story, ask the Holy Spirit for fresh revelation?  Do we ponder Mary’s obedience and seek to raise our own?  Do we meditate on the words, allowing them to shape us and propel us forward?


What other passages could we become over familiar with?  The fruit of the spirit is a great one that we may attribute to a Sunday school lesson, but in doing so we miss the life transforming power of the Word and Gods plan for us in every moment of our lives.


This scripture stuck out for me this week:


“Therefore, I will always remind you about these things—even though you already know them and are standing firm in the truth you have been taught. And it is only right that I should keep on reminding you as long as I live.”

2 Peter 1:12-13 NLT


Here the author is saying exactly the same.  I’m going to keep repeating truths to you - even if you’ve heard them a thousand times, there is power in the Word of God, they will never grow old. God brings forth new revelations to you each time you read them and hear them, the life transforming Word of God will renew your mind as you apply them and confess them, even if you have been confessing that same scripture since childhood - it’s power is still at work!


There are times I have needed to come to a place of repentance where I’ve looked at His precious Word as “old” or where I’ve had a “heard this before” attitude. Praise God His mercy is new every morning! We can never graduate from the class of the Word!


Today and this week as we read the Word, let’s read with no preconceptions, ears open, hearts soft, ready for the Holy Spirit to work in us and through us.


As I side note - I’d like to encourage you to prayerfully consider doing Rhema, which is now completed online.  Hearing the Word, sitting under anointed teaching WILL bare much fruit in your life.  It’s my second, or technically third time at Bible College and I know sitting under the Word is always worthwhile.

Photo of Becci Linscott

Becci Linscott
Lead Pastor
GoChurch Liverpool