In the last few days my children have started to open their various advent calendars. This is always an exciting time in the home as it really starts the countdown to Christmas! They only get to open one door each day leading up to the biggest one at the end. Advent is a time of waiting and the build-up to Jesus being revealed - it requires patience!
In the world we live in today everyone wants something immediately, at the push of a button, and we get incredibly frustrated if it doesn’t happen straightaway. We want updates and complete information all the time. If we don’t get full communication or service then we can end up not happy.
The ability to wait or to be patient feels like it has naturally reduced in society and yet this is one of the fruits of love that we should be showing as Christians. In 1 Corinthians 13 we see that the first attribute of love is that it is patient - it waits!
Through all the various chapters and books we read this week, the theme of love is mentioned in every single one. In 2 John 1:5 we see that we are commanded to love. It’s not an option for us as disciples of Jesus but a command. This means that we are commanded to bear with each other; to be patient with one other.
In Revelation 2 we read about a warning given to the church in Ephesus about how they have lost the love they first walked in. It is so important that they are told to find it again. When we walk in love with each other we reveal Jesus to the world. It takes patience to keep going, and this love that we show to each other helps to reveal Jesus to those who don’t know him yet.
Maybe like me you realise that there are areas of your life that you need to be more patient in and walk in a greater level of love with others.
Well, I have good news for you!
We also read this week in Jude 1:24 that God is working for us and in us and He will keep us from messing up and present us as a success. So, as we rely on Him and His supply of love to us, we will be people who love and who show patience to others. Ultimately, we reveal Jesus to those who need him the most.
Have a great week and keep tapping in to the supply of love and showing patience!